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zaterdag, 29. maart 2025 14:30 o'clock
RST Millegem   Horst A
RST Millegem - Horst A

Match Date: zaterdag, 29. maart 2025
Game time: 14:30 o'clock

RST Millegem Statistics Horst A
62,50% Chances 37,50%
1 Current rank 5
1 Games 1
1/0/0 W/D/L (Total) 1/0/0
1/0/0 W/D/L (Home) 1/0/0
0/0/0 W/D/L (Away) 0/0/0
3 Points 3
5 : 0 Goals 2 : 1
5 Difference 1
RST Millegem - Donk Sport 5:0 Highest home victory Horst A - Schijf 1 2:1
---- Highest home defeat ----
---- Highest away win ----
---- Highest loss away ----

RST Millegem - Horst A

Data of RST Millegem

League Games Won Draw Lost Doelpunten Voor Doelpunten Tegen
League Local Wins Local Draws Local Losts Away Wins Away Draws Away Losts

Overview of the games by result and number

Goals Frequency
Goals Frequency
Goals Frequency

1ste afdeling - seizoen 2024-2025
9 zaterdag, 23. november 2024 14:00 Horst A Horst A - RST Millegem RST Millegem -
20 zaterdag, 29. maart 2025 14:30 RST Millegem RST Millegem - Horst A Horst A -

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