1ste afdeling - seizoen 2024-2025

# Team MP PTS
1 Donk Sport 1 0
1 Flurky A 1 0
3 Zonnekloppers A 1 0
4 Claridge A 1 0
5 Schijf 1 1 0
Soccer Staffel-ID [] Print    
zaterdag, 19. oktober 2013 13:00 o'clock
Pro Mille A   Postel A
Pro Mille A - Postel A

Match Date: zaterdag, 19. oktober 2013
Game time: 13:00 o'clock

Pro Mille A Statistics Postel A
% Chances %
1 Current rank 1
0 Games 0
0/0/0 W/D/L (Total) 0/0/0
0/0/0 W/D/L (Home) 0/0/0
0/0/0 W/D/L (Away) 0/0/0
0 Points 0
0 : 0 Goals 0 : 0
0 Difference 0
---- Highest home victory ----
---- Highest home defeat ----
---- Highest away win ----
---- Highest loss away ----

Pro Mille A - Postel A

Data of Pro Mille A

League Games Won Draw Lost Doelpunten Voor Doelpunten Tegen
League Local Wins Local Draws Local Losts Away Wins Away Draws Away Losts

Overview of the games by result and number

Goals Frequency
Goals Frequency
Goals Frequency

3de afdeling - seizoen 2013-2014
23 zaterdag, 22. maart 2014 14:00 Postel A Postel A - Pro Mille A Pro Mille A -
6 zaterdag, 19. oktober 2013 13:00 Pro Mille A Pro Mille A - Postel A Postel A -

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Kalender ...

25 sep 2024; 19:30 Training !!
02 okt 2024; 19:30 Training !!
05 okt 2024; 15:00 Spin - Hoekske A
05 okt 2024; 17:00 Germeer B - Hoekske B
09 okt 2024; 19:30 Training !!
12 okt 2024; 15:00 Hoekske A - CSC Barrier
12 okt 2024; 17:30 Hoekske B - Toekomst Geneberg
16 okt 2024; 19:30 Training !!
19 okt 2024; 15:00 AC Wilan - Hoekske A
19 okt 2024; 15:00 De Koekoek - Hoekske B

4de afdeling - seizoen 2024-2025

# Team MP PTS
1 Schijf 2 1 0
1 Schijf 3 1 0
3 Red Star B 1 0
4 Schoonbroek B 1 0
5 Motorclub C 1 0